Annals of neurology

Timing of hormone therapy and dementia: the critical window theory revisited.

Annals of neurology

Whitmer RA, Quesenberry CP, Zhou J, Yaffe K


Annals of neurology

Raquel C. Gardner, Jeremy D. Schmahmann

Carotid plaque computed tomography imaging in stroke and nonstroke patients.

Annals of neurology

Wintermark M, Arora S, Tong E, Vittinghoff E, Lau BC, Chien JD, Dillon WP, Saloner D

Carotid plaque computed tomography imaging in stroke and nonstroke patients.

Annals of neurology

Wintermark M, Arora S, Tong E, Vittinghoff E, Lau BC, Chien JD, Dillon WP, Saloner D

Carotid plaque computed tomography imaging in stroke and nonstroke patients.

Annals of neurology

Wintermark M, Arora S, Tong E, Vittinghoff E, Lau BC, Chien JD, Dillon WP, Saloner D

Cystatin C as a marker of cognitive function in elders: findings from the health ABC study.

Annals of neurology

Yaffe K, Lindquist K, Shlipak MG, Simonsick E, Fried L, Rosano C, Satterfield S, Atkinson H, Windham BG, Kurella-Tamura M
