Amy Byers, PhD, MPH

Core Faculty

Dr. Byers is Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences with a joint appointment in the Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics. She is an epidemiologist with a background in aging research, methods, and biostatistics. Her research focuses on the epidemiology of late-life mental health and employs advanced epidemiological and biostatistical techniques to determine the incidence, prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes of late-life mental health disorders with the objective of reducing the burden of these disorders by informing long-term clinical care. Dr. Byers has been heavily involved in research to determine nationally representative estimates of psychiatric disorders and health care utilization among older community-dwelling adults. As a clinical epidemiologist studying geropsychiatry with an expertise in mathematical epidemiology, Dr. Byers is involved in the application of advanced methodology to address complex clinical questions at the intersection of physical and mental health in aging adults.

Dr. Byers has been funded by several agencies, including NIH (i.e., NIMH, NIA, and NIMHD), Department of Defense, and VA. She is PI of the first VA R01-level grant longitudinally investigating suicide and suicidal behavior at a national level in older U.S. Veterans. Dr. Byers’ NIH-funded research program currently focuses on suicide and suicide-related outcomes and prevalence and incidence of dementia among older Veterans and individuals reentering the community from incarceration. Leveraging national databases, Dr. Byers has built large longitudinal cohorts to study how complex and salient risk factors, such as comorbidities, polypharmacy, and history of incarceration, contribute to late-life suicide and related disorders and will lead to targeted late-life risk assessment tools. Dr. Byers has been awarded a Genius Award from UCSF’s Older Americans Independence Center to provide innovative methodologic advancements to estimate associations of suicide risk linked to specific medications.


Risk of Incident Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Soon After Leaving Incarceration Among a US Veteran Population.


Byers AL, Williams B, Fortinsky R, Boscardin WJ, Li Y, Clark R, Morin RT, Barry LC

Data Resource Profile: The Veterans Affairs-Health and Retirement Study Aging Veteran Cohort.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Stalter L, Venkatesh M, Jacobs J, Stype A, Langa KM, Byers AL, Wyman MF

Contribution of involuntary job loss to the burden of depressive symptoms over two decades in a national study of aging adults.

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences

Picciotto S, Eisen EA, Rehkopf DH, Byers AL

The prevalence of lifetime trauma and association with physical and psychosocial health among adults at the end of life.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Duchowny KA, Smith AK, Cenzer I, Brown C, Noppert G, Yaffe K, Byers AL, Perissinotto C, Kotwal AA

Association of Caregiving Receipt With Mental Health Utilization in a National Cohort of Older Adults.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Wyman MF, Jacobs J, Stalter L, Venkatesh M, Voils CI, Trivedi RB, Gleason CE, Byers AL

Re-thinking all-cause COVID-19 hospitalizations as a surrogate measure for severe illness in observational surveillance studies.

Scientific reports

Kelly JD, Leonard S, Boscardin WJ, Hoggatt KJ, Lum EN, Austin CC, Byers AL, Tien PC, Bravata DM, Keyhani S

Which older adults are at highest risk of prescribing cascades? A national study of the gabapentinoid-loop diuretic cascade.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Growdon ME, Jing B, Morris EJ, Deardorff WJ, Boscardin WJ, Byers AL, Boockvar KS, Steinman MA

Comorbidities, healthcare use, and contact with healthcare transition services in older veterans after incarceration.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Hwong AR, Barry LC, Li Y, Byers AL

A national study of clinical discussions about cannabis use among Veteran patients prescribed opioids.

Journal of cannabis research

Zaman T, Bravata DM, Byers A, Krebs E, Leonard S, Austin C, Sandbrink F, Hasin DS, Keyhani S

Association of Cannabis Use With Cardiovascular Outcomes Among US Adults.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Jeffers AM, Glantz S, Byers AL, Keyhani S

Military Sexual Trauma and Menopause Symptoms Among Midlife Women Veterans.

Journal of general internal medicine

Travis KJ, Huang AJ, Maguen S, Inslicht S, Byers AL, Seal KH, Gibson CJ

Comorbidity profiles in older patients last seen by mental health prior to suicide attempt.

Aging & mental health

Morin RT, Li Y, Karel MJ, Consolino T, Hwong A, Clark R, Byers AL

Advanced Research Institute (ARI): Supporting the Geriatric Mental Health Research Pipeline.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Sirey JA, Pepin R, Aizenstein H, Taylor WD, Forester B, Okereke O, Byers AL, Bruce ML

Comparative mRNA booster effectiveness against death or hospitalization with COVID-19 pneumonia across at-risk US Veteran populations.

Nature communications

Kelly JD, Leonard S, Boscardin WJ, Hoggatt KJ, Lum EN, Austin CC, Byers A, Tien PC, Austin PC, Bravata DM, Keyhani S

One-Year All-Cause Mortality and Delivery of the Collaborative Chronic Care Model in General Mental Health Clinics.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Ruderman MA, Byers AL, Bauer MS, Stolzmann K, Miller CJ, Connolly SL, Kim B

Association of Frailty With Risk of Suicide Attempt in a National Cohort of US Veterans Aged 65 Years or Older.

JAMA psychiatry

Kuffel RL, Morin RT, Covinsky KE, Boscardin WJ, Lohman MC, Li Y, Byers AL

A national population-based study of cannabis use and correlates among U.S. veterans prescribed opioids in primary care.

BMC psychiatry

Zaman T, Bravata DM, Byers AL, Krebs EE, Leonard SJ, Sandbrink F, Barker W, Keyhani S

High Risk of Substance Use Disorder-Related Outcomes in Veterans Released from Correctional Facilities in Mid to Late Life.

Journal of general internal medicine

Barry LC, Steffens DC, Covinsky KE, Conwell Y, Boscardin J, Li Y, Byers AL

Lifetime history of interpersonal partner violence is associated with insomnia among midlife women veterans.

Menopause (New York, N.Y.)

Goldstein LA, Jakubowski KP, Huang AJ, Seal KH, Maguen S, Inslicht SS, Byers AL, Gibson CJ

Posttraumatic stress disorder, suicide, and unintended overdose death in later life: A national cohort study of veterans aged 50 and older.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Clark R, Kuffel RL, Neylan TC, Maguen S, Li Y, Boscardin WJ, Byers AL

Association of a Positive Drug Screening for Cannabis With Mortality and Hospital Visits Among Veterans Affairs Enrollees Prescribed Opioids.

JAMA network open

Keyhani S, Leonard S, Byers AL, Zaman T, Krebs E, Austin PC, Moss-Vazquez T, Austin C, Sandbrink F, Bravata DM

A Paucity of Data on Veterans 65 and Older and Risk of Suicide: A Systematic Review.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Sullivan JL, Simons KV, Mills WL, Hilgeman MM, Freytes IM, Morin RT, Bower ES, Clark R, Byers AL

Identifying correlates of suicide ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysis of 148 sociodemographic and pandemic-specific factors.

Journal of psychiatric research

Dolsen EA, Nishimi K, LeWinn KZ, Byers AL, Tripp P, Woodward E, Khan AJ, Marx BP, Borsari B, Jiha A, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A

Incidence of Severe COVID-19 Illness Following Vaccination and Booster With BNT162b2, mRNA-1273, and Ad26.COV2.S Vaccines.


Kelly JD, Leonard S, Hoggatt KJ, Boscardin WJ, Lum EN, Moss-Vazquez TA, Andino R, Wong JK, Byers A, Bravata DM, Tien PC, Keyhani S

TBI and risk of death in military veterans over 14 years: Injury severity, timing, and cause of death.

Journal of psychiatric research

Byers AL, Li Y, Barnes DE, Boscardin WJ, Peltz CB, Yaffe K

Sleep disturbance and suicide risk among sexual and gender minority people.

Neurobiology of stress

Dolsen EA, Byers AL, Flentje A, Goulet JL, Jasuja GK, Lynch KE, Maguen S, Neylan TC

Veterans Health Administration Screening for Military Sexual Trauma May Miss Over Half of Cases Among Midlife Women Veterans.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Hargrave AS, Maguen S, Inslicht SS, Byers AL, Seal KH, Huang AJ, Gibson CJ

Racial/ethnic disparities in the diagnosis and management of menopause symptoms among midlife women veterans.

Menopause (New York, N.Y.)

Blanken A, Gibson CJ, Li Y, Huang AJ, Byers AL, Maguen S, Inslicht S, Seal K

Prevalence of dementia and mild cognitive impairment before incarceration.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Kuffel RL, Byers AL, Williams B, Fortinsky R, Li Y, Ruderman MA, Barry LC

Examining the association of social risk with heart failure readmission in the Veterans Health Administration.

BMC health services research

Wray CM, Vali M, Walter LC, Christensen L, Chapman W, Austin PC, Byers AL, Keyhani S

Agent Orange Exposure and Dementia Diagnosis in US Veterans of the Vietnam Era.

JAMA neurology

Martinez S, Yaffe K, Li Y, Byers AL, Peltz CB, Barnes DE

Traumatic Brain Injury and Incidence Risk of Sleep Disorders in Nearly 200,000 US Veterans.


Leng Y, Byers AL, Barnes DE, Peltz CB, Li Y, Yaffe K

Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Suicide in a National Sample of Midlife and Older Women Veterans.

Medical care

Gibson CJ, Li Y, Jasuja GK, Self KJ, Seal KH, Byers AL

A national study of TBI and risk of suicide and unintended death by overdose and firearms.

Brain injury

Byers AL, Li Y, Barnes DE, Seal KH, Boscardin WJ, Yaffe K

Comorbidity Profiles Identified in Older Primary Care Patients Who Attempt Suicide.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Morin RT, Li Y, Mackin RS, Whooley MA, Conwell Y, Byers AL

Examining the Utility of 30-day Readmission Rates and Hospital Profiling in the Veterans Health Administration.

Journal of hospital medicine

Wray CM, Vali M, Walter LC, Lopez L, Austin PC, Byers A, Keyhani S

Comorbid TBI-depression costs in veterans: a chronic effect of neurotrauma consortium (CENC) study.

Brain injury

Dismuke-Greer CE, Gebregziabher M, Byers AL, Taber D, Axon N, Yaffe K, Egede LE

Gender Differences in Cardiovascular Risk Related to Diabetes and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Gibson CJ, Li Y, Inslicht SS, Seal KH, Byers AL

High Occurrence of Psychiatric Disorders and Suicidal Behavior Across Dementia Subtypes.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Lai AX, Kaup AR, Yaffe K, Byers AL

Association of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury With and Without Loss of Consciousness With Dementia in US Military Veterans.

JAMA neurology

Barnes DE, Byers AL, Gardner RC, Seal KH, Boscardin WJ, Yaffe K

Burden of Depressive Symptoms Over 2 Decades and Risk of Nursing Home Placement in Older Women.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Byers AL, Lui LY, Vittinghoff E, Covinsky KE, Ensrud KE, Taylor B, Yaffe K

Increased Risk of Suicide Attempts and Unintended Death Among Those Transitioning From Prison to Community in Later Life.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Barry LC, Steffens DC, Covinsky KE, Conwell Y, Li Y, Byers AL

Mild TBI and risk of Parkinson disease: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium Study.


Gardner RC, Byers AL, Barnes DE, Li Y, Boscardin J, Yaffe K

Traumatic Brain Injury and Receipt of Prescription Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans: Do Clinical Practice Guidelines Matter?

The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society

Seal KH, Bertenthal D, Barnes DE, Byers AL, Gibson CJ, Yaffe K

Predictors of Mental Health Services Use Across the Life Course among Racially-Ethnically Diverse Adults.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Byers AL, Lai AX, Nelson C, Yaffe K

Association of Traumatic Brain Injury With Chronic Pain in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans: Effect of Comorbid Mental Health Conditions.

Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation

Seal KH, Bertenthal D, Barnes DE, Byers AL, Strigo I, Yaffe K

Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults and Risk of Dementia.

JAMA psychiatry

Kaup AR, Byers AL, Falvey C, Simonsick EM, Satterfield S, Ayonayon HN, Smagula SF, Rubin SM, Yaffe K


Depression and anxiety

Beristianos MH, Maguen S, Neylan TC, Byers AL

Trauma Exposure and Risk of Suicidal Ideation Among Older Adults.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Beristianos MH, Maguen S, Neylan TC, Byers AL

Mental Health Service Use Across the Life Course Among Adults With Psychiatric Disorders and Prior Suicidal Behavior.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Byers AL, Lai AX, Arean P, Nelson JC, Yaffe K

Geomorphic and geologic controls of geohazards induced by Nepal's 2015 Gorkha earthquake.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Kargel JS, Leonard GJ, Shugar DH, Haritashya UK, Bevington A, Fielding EJ, Fujita K, Geertsema M, Miles ES, Steiner J, Anderson E, Bajracharya S, Bawden GW, Breashears DF, Byers A, Collins B, Dhital MR, Donnellan A, Evans TL, Geai ML, Glasscoe MT, Green D, Gurung DR, Heijenk R, Hilborn A, Hudnut K, Huyck C, Immerzeel WW, Liming J, Jibson R, Kääb A, Khanal NR, Kirschbaum D, Kraaijenbrink PD, Lamsal D, Shiyin L, Mingyang L, McKinney D, Nahirnick NK, Zhuotong N, Ojha S, Olsenholler J, Painter TH, Pleasants M, Pratima KC, Yuan QI, Raup BH, Regmi D, Rounce DR, Sakai A, Donghui S, Shea JM, Shrestha AB, Shukla A, Stumm D, van der Kooij M, Voss K, Xin W, Weihs B, Wolfe D, Lizong W, Xiaojun Y, Yoder MR, Young N

Leisure activities and depressive symptoms in older adults with cognitive complaints.

International psychogeriatrics

Poelke G, Ventura MI, Byers AL, Yaffe K, Sudore R, Barnes DE

Sleep Quality and Risk of Dementia Among Older Male Veterans.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Yaffe K, Nettiksimmons J, Yesavage J, Byers A

PTSD and Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Disease in Aging Veterans.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Beristianos MH, Yaffe K, Cohen B, Byers AL

Traumatic brain injury and risk of dementia in older veterans.


Barnes DE, Kaup A, Kirby KA, Byers AL, Diaz-Arrastia R, Yaffe K

Depression and dementias among military veterans.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Byers AL, Yaffe K

Lifestyle and health-related risk factors and risk of cognitive aging among older veterans.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Yaffe K, Hoang TD, Byers AL, Barnes DE, Friedl KE

Prisoner of war status, posttraumatic stress disorder, and dementia in older veterans.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Meziab O, Kirby KA, Williams B, Yaffe K, Byers AL, Barnes DE

Chronicity of posttraumatic stress disorder and risk of disability in older persons.

JAMA psychiatry

Byers AL, Covinsky KE, Neylan TC, Yaffe K

Alcohol consumption patterns and cognitive impairment in older women.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Hoang TD, Byers AL, Barnes DE, Yaffe K

Cognitive outcomes after psychotherapeutic interventions for major depression in older adults with executive dysfunction.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Mackin RS, Nelson JC, Delucchi K, Raue P, Byers A, Barnes D, Satre DD, Yaffe K, Alexopoulos GS, Arean PA

Long-term cumulative depressive symptom burden and risk of cognitive decline and dementia among very old women.

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences

Zeki Al Hazzouri A, Vittinghoff E, Byers A, Covinsky K, Blazer D, Diem S, Ensrud KE, Yaffe K

Twenty-year depressive trajectories among older women.

Archives of general psychiatry

Byers AL, Vittinghoff E, Lui LY, Hoang T, Blazer DG, Covinsky KE, Ensrud KE, Cauley JA, Hillier TA, Fredman L, Yaffe K

Dysthymia and depression increase risk of dementia and mortality among older veterans.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Byers AL, Covinsky KE, Barnes DE, Yaffe K

Midlife vs late-life depressive symptoms and risk of dementia: differential effects for Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia.

Archives of general psychiatry

Barnes DE, Yaffe K, Byers AL, McCormick M, Schaefer C, Whitmer RA

Low use of mental health services among older Americans with mood and anxiety disorders.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Byers AL, Arean PA, Yaffe K

Depression and risk of developing dementia.

Nature reviews. Neurology

Byers AL, Yaffe K

High occurrence of mood and anxiety disorders among older adults: The National Comorbidity Survey Replication.

Archives of general psychiatry

Byers AL, Yaffe K, Covinsky KE, Friedman MB, Bruce ML

Heritability of depressive symptoms: a case study using a multilevel approach.

International journal of methods in psychiatric research

Byers AL, Levy BR, Kasl SV, Bruce ML, Allore HG

Depression and risk for adverse falls in older home health care patients.

Research in gerontological nursing

Byers AL, Sheeran T, Mlodzianowski AE, Meyers BS, Nassisi P, Bruce ML

When parents matter to their adult children: filial reliance associated with parents' depressive symptoms.

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences

Byers AL, Levy BR, Allore HG, Bruce ML, Kasl SV

Range and severity of symptoms over time among older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure.

Archives of internal medicine

Walke LM, Byers AL, Tinetti ME, Dubin JA, McCorkle R, Fried TR

A randomized trial of depression assessment intervention in home health care.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Bruce ML, Brown EL, Raue PJ, Mlodzianowski AE, Meyers BS, Leon AC, Heo M, Byers AL, Greenberg RL, Rinder S, Katt W, Nassisi P

Changes in preferences for life-sustaining treatment among older persons with advanced illness.

Journal of general internal medicine

Fried TR, Van Ness PH, Byers AL, Towle VR, O'Leary JR, Dubin JA

The association of symptoms with health outcomes in chronically ill adults.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Walke LM, Byers AL, Gallo WT, Endrass J, Fried TR

Prospective study of health status preferences and changes in preferences over time in older adults.

Archives of internal medicine

Fried TR, Byers AL, Gallo WT, Van Ness PH, Towle VR, O'Leary JR, Dubin JA

Symptom assessment in community-dwelling older adults with advanced chronic disease.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Walke LM, Byers AL, McCorkle R, Fried TR

Unmet desire for caregiver-patient communication and increased caregiver burden.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Fried TR, Bradley EH, O'Leary JR, Byers AL

Application of negative binomial modeling for discrete outcomes: a case study in aging research.

Journal of clinical epidemiology

Byers AL, Allore H, Gill TM, Peduzzi PN

A program to prevent functional decline in physically frail, elderly persons who live at home.

The New England journal of medicine

Gill TM, Baker DI, Gottschalk M, Peduzzi PN, Allore H, Byers A

Estrogen use, APOE, and cognitive decline: evidence of gene-environment interaction.


Yaffe K, Haan M, Byers A, Tangen C, Kuller L