Title |
Authors (Submitting author) |
Status |
Genetic risk of Alzheimer’s disease is linked to short sleep duration |
Yue Leng, Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
Risk of dementia after traumatic brain injury in older civilians versus veterans: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Raquel Gardner, Amber Bahorik, Paul Mangal, Isabel Allen, and Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
HIV and risk of dementia in older veterans |
Kirsten Bobrow, Feng Xia, Tina Hoang, Victor Valcour, and Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
In older black and white adults, prior lung function is associated with reduced neurocognitive test scores |
Kirsten Bobrow, Laure Rouch, Tina Hoang, and Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
Cognitive dysfunction is common in middle-aged adults with type 2 diabetes in South Africa |
Kirsten Bobrow, Erica Kornblith, Hetta Gouse, Kristine Yaffe, Andrew Farmer, and Naomi Levitt |
Live Chat Thursday 11:00 am to 11:25 am Pacific |
Race but not sex differences in incidence of dementia among older veterans |
Erica Kornblith, Carrie Peltz, Feng Xia, Deborah Barnes, and Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
Peripheral nerve function and accelerated cognitive decline in older adults with and without diabetes |
Willa Brenowitz, Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
Depressive symptoms modeled across the life-course are associated with higher risk of dementia and cognitive decline: a pooled cohort analysis |
Willa Brenowitz, Adina Zeki Al Hazzouri, Eric Vittinghoff, Karen Matthews, Sherita H. Golden, Annette L. Fitzpatrick, and Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
Functional hearing loss as a marker for early Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: exploring the potential for reverse causation |
Willa Brenowitz, Kristine Yaffe |
Live Chat Chat @ 6:00 am -7:25 am Pacific |
Changes in cardiac structure over 25 years are associated with lower middle cognition: The CARDIA Study |
Laure Rouch, Tina Hoang, Feng Xia, Steve Sidney, Joao Lima, and Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
Visit-to-visit Blood Pressure Variability Is Associated With Functional Decline In Older Adults: the S.AGES Cohort |
Laure Rouch |
Live Chat @ 9:30 am – 9:55 am Pacific |
Risk Factors of Intervention Participants in The Systematic Multidomain Alzheimer’s Risk Reduction Trial (SMARRT) |
Carrie Peltz, D. Rosenberg, LE Fleckenstein, Deborah Barnes, S. Dublin, BH Balderson, EB Larson, and Kristine Yaffe |
Thursday Poster Session |
Preventing Loss of Independence Through Exercise (PLIÉ) for Persons with Dementia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial |
Deborah Barnes |
Live Session Thursday @4:57 am Pacific |
Potential for primary prevention of dementia in low- and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional analysis of population attributable risk of dementia using twelve modifiable factors in population surveys of aging, |
Laurent Cleret de Langavant |
Live Session Thursday @ 9:27 am Pacific |